Saturday, 16 August 2014

french toast with chicken floss filling

On a hiatus for a month.
My guinea pigs were sick, I was feeling unwell (emotionally, mainly) due to lack of rest from work. Many colleagues (friends) are leaving for various reasons, so occasional waves of low morale would hit me and I start to ask myself some tough questions which I do not have an answer to. =X

Anyhow, I was chatting with a colleague (who was leaving) and I shared with her about the little things I hope to do but find no time to do so, including this blog which is hibernating in a teeny corner of the cyberspace. So I decided to do something for breakfast this morning. I remembered I wanted to make taiwanese egg crepe sometime back but realised I did not have flour in the kitchen. So I settled with something less ambitious -- french toast. :)

Recipe extracted from submerryn:

an egg
a teaspoon of oil
slices of bread
pork/chicken/fish floss (or anything creative)

1. Cut 2 pieces of bread into 8 equal parts. [as it's only for myself, I had 1 slice of bread, I conveniently folded it to half]
2. Spoon some chicken floss in the middle.
3. Place a piece of bread to cover the chicken floss and pinch the sides to seal it.
4. Break an egg in a bowl and beat it. Do not add salt as the entire combination is tasty enough. Optional: Add pepper and parsley flakes.
5. Dip the bread into the beaten egg making sure it is well coated.
6. Toast on non-stick pan. Turn over and toast the other side. [i added oil and pan-fried it]
[I used wholemeal bread, which explains the colour of the bread. :X]

french toast with chicken floss filling
masak-thoughts: My mom used to make this when I was young. All-time favourite (there was no such thing as "sinful" when one was a child)! It's ultra easy to make for a noob (just keep it to small fire) and there's no hateful splattering of oil. A happy breakfast is definitely a booster to the entire day!

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